Thursday, September 15, 2011

Datapower database interaction

This is one topic which might pop up in your mind when you are trying to learn Datapower.How do I interact with the database using Datapower Appliance.?
The two most common methods to send and receive data from a database using a DataPower appliance are the SQL Action and XSL extensions.

The SQL Action

The SQL Action is added to a processing rule in the same way all other actions are specified:


The SQL Action is found under the Advanced Action menu and is highlighted in the processing rule in Figure above. This action offers three ways to specify a query. The first is a static string directly defining the SQL or XQuery statement. Second is a query string held in a DataPower variable, likely created in preceding processing. The third is a query generated as the text output of a XSL transformation. Figure 4 shows the configuration of a SQL Action defined with a static SQL statement:

XSLT support

The ability to execute SQL queries in XSL stylesheets is available in the XI50 appliance through the dp:sql-execute() extension function. The 3.7.1 firmware release introduced the extension element, which extends the database-related capability of the appliance.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Database tables in the Performance Warehouse for Lombardi BPM

Here are some of the Tables in the Performance Warehouse of Lombardi Edition 7.2

Friday, February 4, 2011

Installing fixpacks on Websphere Application Server 6.1

Here is a nice tutorial describing the process of installing UpdateInstaller and then installing the Websphere fixpacks/refresh packs using the Update installer.