Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jacl script to enable/disable tracing on Websphere Process Server

# Jacl Script to enable/disable server tracing with a definite trace string
# usage Windows : wsadmin.bat -username -password
# Unix :./ -username -password
# Version 1.0
# Author : Vineet Chauhan

set cellName [$AdminControl getCell]
set nodeName [$AdminControl getNode]
set server [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:$cellName/Node:$nodeName/Server:server1/]
set traceService [$AdminConfig list TraceService $server]
puts "########## Properties of trace Service #############"
set traceServiceBefore [$AdminConfig show $traceService]
puts $tracServiceBefore
puts "##############################################"
$AdminConfig modify $traceService {{enable false}}
$AdminConfig save
puts "Saved**"
puts "+++++++++Trace Properteies after change +++++++++++"
set traceServiceAfter [$AdminConfig show $traceService]
puts $traceService
puts "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"

# P.S - I will be posting a more refined version very soon..!!

ProcessTemplateNotFoundException: CWWBA0008E:

If you encounter these errors, the following steps would help you to resolve Business ProcessTemplate not found errors.

- Log onto BPC explorer and look for the ProcessTemplate under "My Process Template"
- That process template should be running.
-If the template is not found from BPC explorer there could be several reasons :

a. There could be no record in the PROCESS_TEMPLATE_B_T table under the BPC schema , check if you find a row for the business process.

b. If you don't find any record in the PROCESS_TEMPLATE_B_T table then it could deployment issues, BPEL code may not be deployed properly , check for errors encontered while deployment and try to redeploy the code.

c. If the problem does not get resolved even after redeployment and you don't see the Template in the BPC explorer , the problem is very odd and it occured to me just once , I dont know if it was some kind of a bug.

d. There must be a record in the PROCESS_TEMPLATE_B_T table but still you wont see the template as sometime the STATUS column in the table marks its state = 2 , it happened to me , all you need to do is to mark its status = 1 ...and refresh BPC explorer you would see the Process Template now....